
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Heads up International Feldenkrais week is coming May 1-11, 2015

Heads Up!
International Feldenkrais week is coming.
May 1-11, 2015

                            Many thanks to Sonja Johansson GCFP for the graphics and text

Dear Feldenkrais Friends.
With the holidays behind us and the spring weather coaxing us out of our winter hibernation the great outdoors beckons.
Several offerings in this newsletter can inspire you to get up and get moving.

• International Feldenkrais Week will provide many opportunities for newbies to test-drive a Feldenkrais lesson - all over the globe.

• A Walk for Life® workshop will help you feel sure footed and vital as you stride forth.

• The personal story of Moshe walking from Belarus to Palestine to live his unavowed dreams will surely stir you.

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioners around the world will be celebrating the birthday of Moshe Feldenkrais by offering special FREE classes and reduced price workshops. To see what is on offer in New York, visit: