
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Heads up International Feldenkrais week is coming May 1-11, 2015

Heads Up!
International Feldenkrais week is coming.
May 1-11, 2015

                            Many thanks to Sonja Johansson GCFP for the graphics and text

Thanks to Feldenkrais, Former Runner Runs Again

Feldenkrais helps a former runner run again.

Monday, April 27, 2015

Brooklyn Celebrates Feldenkrais Week

March Dolphin will be offering a free class at the 
Feldenkrais® Center of Park Slope
Wednesday  May 6th at 7:00pm as part of International Feldenkrais Week
 426 4th Avenue  ( between 7th and 8th streets )
 Brooklyn , NY 11215
Space is limited so please call if you plan to attend  
718 499 5238

Feldenkrais for Runners, Former and Future

Special Intro Workshop for Runners and the Rest of Us
Frederick Schjang a very popular Feldenkrais teacher at BeFitNYC conducts a special workshops for runners.  The name of the workshop is Movement in Gravity to be offered May 2, 2015. This workshop will be offered Free  to Feldenkrais Guild members. Contact Frederick at

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

The Inside Art of Functional Integration

Mentoring with David Zemach-Bersin
The Inside Art of Functional Integration
Rolling Heads, collage by Jerry Jofen  circa 1969

David Bersin, Feldenkrais Trainer and Mentor  will reveal the Inside Art of The Method as he learned it from Moshe Feldenkrais himself

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Feldenkrais Insights

Debra Wanner GCFP

The Feldenkrais Method® helps people develop, move more in balance, with more agility and strength, variety and choice, responsive, creative, and in-tune with a fuller sense of self.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Feldenkrais Institute to host noted speaker Steven M. Levin M.D. on May 7th, 2015

The Feldenkrais institute is excited to present an integrated evening of lecture and discussion on Biotensegrity and Dynamic Anatomy with guest speaker Steven M. Levin M.D.
Buckminster Fuller's Tensegrity model of a tension-compression structure.
We believe that Moshe Feldenkrais would have appreciated Dr. Levin’s work immensely, because it demonstrates how and why we are not separate parts, but one integrated whole. 

Monday, April 6, 2015

NY Feldenkrais Guild's Annual Meeting, April 12 2015

Many Thanks to The New Yorker Magazine
NY Feldenkrais Guild's 2015 Annual Meeting, 
April 12, 2015, From 12 pm - 5 pm
All Guild Members Invited


Noon - 1:30 Aliza Stewart GCFT
Special Guest presenter!

1:30 - 2pm Light Lunch provided

2 - 5pm Annual Meeting

Come and participate in our Regional Annual Meeting!
Hear about plans for the rest of 2015 and Beyond.
Bring any ideas you have regarding
 region projects and ideas for the future of our region.

LOCATION: Ripley-Grier Studios 520 8th Ave, 16th floor, Manhattan 
(between 36th & 37th St.)