
Monday, March 30, 2015

Rachel Potasznik brings Feldenkrais to the Wall Street area.

The perfect counterpoint to Wall Street’s daily tensions.
Rachel Potasznik now offers Feldenkrais classes in the Wall Street area on Wednesday afternoons  5:15 pm, at 40 Exchange Place.
In Rachel’s class the atmosphere changes, tension and stress float away. Feldenkrais Awareness Through Movement classes put us in touch with a calmer yet more energized self.

For more information on Rachel, please refer to her comprehensive web site.


       Rachel is responsible for restoring my joy in life,,,for restoring what the doctors could not and not only my body....but my spirit!
Thank you, thank you! Lois L.   

       I swim and run and in the past often injured myself.   Physical therapy and yoga classes were not helpful for me in the long term.  Since I began attending Rachel's weekly Awareness Through Movement® classes six years ago, I have been injury free.  I can't wait each week to hear Rachel's soothing voice relax me and guide me to more awareness of my body; to understand how I move and to learn to enjoy and improve my movement without fear of injury.    Stacey S., lawyer

      Some years back, I had the good fortune to discover the Feldenkrais Method® at the Gold Door Spa.  I was delighted to find Rachel Potasznik teaching a weekly Awareness Through Movement® class in Manhattan.  I have completely fallen in love with her classes and the Method and I look forward to going to class every week.  Rachel teaches in a clear, direct and nurturing manner and enables me to feel more open, aligned and relaxed.  I recommend her classes to anyone seeking to understand the mind/body connection and to achieve calm and balance in a safe, supportive environment.  Rachel Potasznik is a superlative Feldenkrais teacher and practitioner.    Robin Z., lawyer