
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Developing Your On-line Presence

Professional Development Workshop with Christianne Greiert,
CEO of The Social Shop, NYC
Christianne Greiert CEO, The Social Shop
  Developing Your On-Line Presence

Sunday, June 14th from 2 - 4:30pm 

LOCATION: Ripley-Grier Studios, 520 8th Ave, 16th floor, Manhattan(between 36th & 37th St.) see map below
The Social Shop is a brand management company. We are thrilled to partner with small businesses, non-profit organizations, artists, and entrepreneurs to develop their online presence.
In this workshop, we will explore the various website and social media options available to maximize your outreach potential.
We will also brainstorm best uses and share tips on how to get started both as an individual Feldenkrais practitioner and a member of the Guild

Click here to register
Guild Members can attend Professional Development workshops "free" as an educational benefit of membership.