
Sunday, May 10, 2015

Twist Agility, Feldenkrais and Tango

Celebrate International Feldenkrais Week with Jean Fung, Feldenkrais Practitioner and Tango Specialist. 

Jean Fung  GCFP
FUNTango a 3 week series
May 4, 11 and 18 2015 at 6pm
CRS, 123 4th Ave, 2nd floor
Manhattan, between 12 and 13th streets
above 'Think Coffee".
Moving with Ease, Dancing with Freedom and Joyfull Wellness!
A  class in Posture Balance and Twistability

Re-new, Re-fresh, Re-set for Spring! Celebrating International Feldenkrais Week
Twist and Turning and everyday life

Re-wire your brain to move more effortlessly through your day. Staying young and fit no matter what your age. This exercise class give you the keys to a lifetime of improved posture, connection, balance and twist-ability.
Refine and enhance your social dancing.

Based on the Feldenkrais Method these simple exercise done on the floor or a chair have profound benefits.
Use our mat or bring your own. The best results are from taking the whole series, but drop-ins are welcome.
Invest in Yourself!
Cost $20 per class you can prepay with Paypal to
and save $5 per series.

 info: call Jean 267 625 6678 

Research Finds dancing the Tango can improve cognitive function.

Parkinson’s Disease and Dance

Could dancing the tango improve cognitive function?
  • Researchers out of Canada and Sweden investigated the use of tango lessons to improve motor and non-motor functions of people with Parkinson’s Disease. They found that the Argentine tango can improve balance and functional mobility and are calling on larger studies to test benefits on cognition and fatigue. (Tango for treatment of motor and non-motor manifestations in Parkinson’s disease: A randomized control study. Complimentary Therapies in Medicine, Apr. 2015)
  • Irish investigators led by Dr. Amanda Clifford took ten participants and had them attend weekly Irish dancing lessons, along with a parallel home practice, over an 8-week period. This preliminary study found that Irish set dancing is feasible for people with Parkinson’s and could increase their quality of life (Is Irish set dancing feasible for people with Parkinson’s disease in Ireland? Complimentary Therapies in Clinical Practice, Feb. 2015)
  • A May 2015 [epub Feb. 2015] literature review in Maturitus concluded that studies support the idea that dance can cause “substantial and wide-ranging benefits” in people who suffer from Parkinson’s, in addition to the older population in general.
  • One of the things that fascinated me about these studies was the sheer number of countries that are currently researching the neurological possibilities of dance for people with Parkinson’s. 
    This is a treatment strategy that could be used anywhere in the world.
    And then, let the neuroplasticity begin.